1. Visit the Official FIFA Website
Head to FIFA’s official website and navigate to the section dedicated to agents to start your 7-step FIFA agent exam registration process.

2. Check the Eligibility Criteria
Before registering, ensure you meet all the eligibility criteria. These might encompass age, educational qualifications, and prior experience. Most importantly, be aware of any restrictions to ensure you’re permitted to take the exam on the agent’s platform.
3. Complete the Registration Form
Once you’ve ascertained your eligibility, download the application that the agent’s platform will send to your email. This is to verify your identity using the appropriate registration form. Fill it out diligently, providing all necessary details.
Here’s a step-by-step explanatory video:
4. Pay the Registration Fee
There’s typically a fee associated with registering for the exam. Choose your association’s location (note that fees may vary depending on the association). Ensure you check the exact details when making a bank transfer or proceeding with the payment using the specified method.
5. Memorize the Exam’s Location and Time
After completing the form, gathering all necessary documents, and paying the fee, send your application to the provided address. Ensure you’re available on the exam day and arrive an hour before the specified time.
6. Prepare for the Exam
Once your registration is sent, begin your preparations. Study the recommended materials, attend training courses if needed, and take practice tests on your platform.
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7. Take the Exam
On the day of the exam, ensure you arrive early, equipped with all required documents, such as a form of identification. Follow all provided instructions during the exam and trust yourself.